Social Initiatives
Our farm is looking to shake up the Agricultural Landscape of ReGEN Ag Farming, using biodynamic Ag practices to cultivate organic produce and hemp

Green Rush Organic Farms is bringing its Next-Gen Farmers Training Project to Detroit, Los Angeles and Chicago’s at-risk communities. The goal of this project is to train the community in all things agriculture, and indoor urban farming and the many benefits of growing industrial hemp, sustainable hemp food products, fiber, biomass, and organic medicine year-round in technology-driven environments.
There will be lecturers who will talk about hemp farming, securing new farm start-up capital and entrepreneurship. The program will consist of workshops, which cover a variety of topics, such as pest management practices by our industry leading pest management partners, to real food entrepreneurship frameworks.
The project enables Next-Gen farmers to study the molecular level of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa L. They will be able to obtain hands-on experience with the business side of farming so that they can pursue a start-up indoor urban farm and get involved economically in the communities where they reside.
Additionally, our Next-Gen farmers will have opportunities to represent Green Rush Organic Farms at community events and marketing activities, where farmers can connect directly with customers at these customer-focused engagements.
Our farm will partner with a leading organic food distributor to distribute food that is grown by community farmers enrolled in our Next-Gen Farmers training project to local consumers and retailers, and consumers and retailers across the country.
Green Rush Organic Farms end goal is to be a pathway for future farmers in the hemp urban farming industry in cities across the country, and globally to start building their own “HEMPIRES”.
Leading the ‘Green Rush’

HEMP FOR OUR SCHOOLS, is a social initiative campaign that supports the production and donation of hemp-based materials, products, and foods to school aged children and community centers in underserved communities.
The Failed War on Drugs

FLOWER PARDON INITIATIVE, until the last cannabis conviction is pardoned! We’re working to get every prisoner’s cannabis sentence pardoned.